Unity Network Moon Clock Calendar List of Activities:

~ : About symbol:  Is the estimated % moon (currently there is no standard moon clock, so for exact mins we refer to greg clock)
-  : Minus symbol: Moon getting smaller (Full Moon to New Moon)
+ : Plus symbol: Moon getting bigger (New Moon to Full Moon)

23°E Moon 


Beging Ceres Asyncrousus Session

Jan 2016

156°E0.2 | 31°W4.8 | 23°E10.8 || 157°E  --- Rab'll1437 | Twelve4713 | Shavat5776

End Ceres Asynchrounous Session

Feb 2016

156°E0.2 | 31°W4.8 | 23°E11 || 40°W - - - Rab'l1437 | Eleven4713 | Tevet5776

March 2016

More 2016:



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Helpful Websites for Time Conversion Calculations:
Time Zone conversion: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?iso=20141214T1250&p1=0&p2=155&p3=921&p4=224
Moon to Gregorian Conversion: http://www.moonpage.com/index.html
Nasa Moon Dates: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/phase/phases2001.html  (doesn't work)
SkyCal: http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SKYCAL/SKYCAL.html
Natural Cycle Time Verification Prioritites: http://wctc.titanpad.com/NaturalTimeCycleStandardization 
http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SKYCAL/SKYCAL.html?cal=2015#skycal (help for moon calender - zillu UTC+6)
Date Calc: http://www.timeanddate.com/date/timeduration.html
Standardizing Moon Times Disscussion:  http://wctc.titanpad.com/StandardizingMoonTimes
Natural Process: https://wctc.titanpad.com/NaturalCycleCalendarUpdatingProcess
Old Calendar Past Dates: http://wctc.titanpad.com/OldMoonCalendarDates

Daily Work Template Schedule