Unity Q&A Sessions Pad:

Unity Network Intro Q&A sessions are a simple space where anyone can ask questions and we will do our best to give you clear answers.  Eventually we will also make a FAQ to better help answer questions when needed.  One way to input questions is to use the IdeaInformer link, and you can vote and prioritize other questions that people have asked:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/UnityIntro
Wordpress: http://sessions.wc.tc/UnityIntro

Upcoming Intro Q&A Session Calendar: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/UnityIntroQandACalendar
Previous Q&A Sessions:
About the Unity Network PDF: http://unitynet.info/docs/AboutUnityNetwork.pdf

Messaging: https://unitynet.titanpad.com/UnityQ-AsessionMessaging