Recruitment Messaging Pad:

Worker Email List Messaging Pad:


[sign your own name]

Unity HR Support Team

Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
California, USA
Cell: 1-415-323-5833
Skype: a0000d

Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka-1206
Cell: +8801828637579
Skype: zillukekar

Step 0: If they are interested in potentially volunteering, then first clarify if they want to volunteer or get paid for their work. If they want to volunteer, then skip to step 3.

Step 1: Just Ask for Pay Rate:
Purpose: To make sure they have a reasoanble pay rate and understand what the pay rates are before making and joining a team. Also be sure to invite them to join the General Email List.

Subject (if applicable): Next Steps for Unity Work


Thank you for your interest in helping the Unity Network.

The first step is to choose your hourly pay rate.  We are a small grass roots community non-profit, so we do not have a lot of funds.  Please choose a rate that is the lowest you would be willing to work for, this can be in your local currency or in US$.  You can also choose a target rate that we can work up to if you’d like. 

Also you should be  reciving an email invitation to our Unity Workers Update Google Email List.  Please click the "Accept this Invitation" link at the bottom of that email to get on the Unity Workers Update List. If you do not get the email to subscribe you can also request to join at this link: You can also join our Social Media Worker Accounts : Twitter: Facebook:

I look forward to hearing back from you and we can go from there.

Thanks for your interest,

[your name]

Unity HR Support Team

Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
California, USA
PO Box 20175
Stanford CA 94309
Cell: 1-415-323-5833
Skype: a0000d

Baridhara DOHS, Dhaka-1206
Cell: +8801828637579
Skype: zillukekar

Please also join our General Unity Network Updates:

Note: All gigs and positions within our network are publicly accountable and transparent.  All communications emailed about this position, will not be distributed, but can be reviewed by our HR Board and people who specifically request it.  Our  organization is a not-for-profit grassroots community based group with a 501c3 tax deductible charity as the center of our network.  We primarily function with volunteers, but also offer pay to people who otherwise wouldn't be able to participate.  Thank you for your interest More information:


The first step would be to choose your pay rate, for how much you would be willing to work for per day or per hour.  This can be either in US$ or your Local currency.  You can also  choose a stipend or equity for backpay. We are a small grass roots community non-profit, so we do not have a lot of funds.  Please choose a rate that is the lowest you would be willing to work for.  You can also choose a target rate that we can work up to if you’d like. 

We also do BackUp & On/Call sessions.   So you can also choose to get additional flat rate pay per  BackUp/On-Call Session, regardless of weather you actually do any work.  (This can also have a target rate if you choose).


Hi Edison,

The first step in working with us is for you to decide what pay rate you would like to have.  This can be either by the hour and/or by the day, in US$ or local currency.  Please choose a rate that is the lowest you would be willing to work for.  You can also choose a target rate that we can work up to if you’d like.  With that said, you can choose any rate you want and you can change your rate later as needed.

The first step would be to let me know how much you would be willing to work for per day or per hour.  This can be either in US$ or your Local currency.  We are a small grass roots community non-profit, so we do not have a lot of funds.  Please choose a rate that is the lowest you would be willing to work for.  You can also choose a target rate that we can work up to if you’d like. 

We also do BackUp & On/Call sessions.   So you can also choose to get additional flat rate pay per  BackUp/On-Call Session, regardless of weather you actually do any work.  (This can also have a target rate if you choose).


IF they want too much Money:

Remind them about "We are a small grass roots community  non-profit, so we do not have a lot of funds.  Please choose a rate that  is the lowest you would be willing to work for.  You can also choose a  target rate that we can work up to if you’d like. "

At that level $5/hr, you would primarily be back up, or you can work durring our Ayncronous Session.  April 16 - April 23, 2015.???

Step 2:

Questions About The Position:


Step 3: Buddy Team Form:


Thank for your interest in helping the Unity Network.

Your pay rate of [$?/hr] sound reasonable, although you can always change it in the future, although it can take 1-2 months for the new rate to take effect.

There are two Next Steps. 1) Filling out the Buddy Team Form and 2) Scheduling

1) Click this link to Fill out our Buddy Teams Form to begin the process of selecting and choosing a team:

Choosing a Buddy Team is fun and creates more interaction between workers.  You can also recruit local people you know, or anyone else in the world to be on your team, but if you choose to do that you will want to let us know so we can give you more information about what a good team is, as you will be evaluated for your teamwork.

2) Scheduling is simple, you just need to let us know which of the daily Sessions you are available for.
From there it is just about scheduling and getting you started with training. We have two Scheduled Work Sessions per day for our Half Sessions. If these session times don’t work for you, that is ok, we will send you information for future scheduled sessions, just make sure you get on the email list. You can see the times of the sessions in your local time zone at this link:

Everything happens very slow with our network, primarily because it is difficult organizing globally, so just let us know if you have questions.

Thanks again for your interest,

[your name]

Unity HR Support Team

Jay Blas Jacob Cabrera
California, USA
PO Box 20175
Stanford CA 94309
Cell: 1-415-323-5833
Skype: a0000d

You can also join our Social Media Worker Accounts : Twitter: Facebook:

Please also join our General Unity Network Updates:

Note: All gigs and positions within our network are publicly accountable and transparent.  All communications emailed about this position, will not be distributed, but can be reviewed by our HR Board and people who specifically request it.  Our  organization is a not-for-profit grassroots community based group with a 501c3 tax deductible charity as the center of our network.  We primarily function with volunteers, but also offer pay to people who otherwise wouldn't be able to participate.  Thank you for your interest More information:


Thank for your interest, your pay rate of X$/hr sound reasonable, although you can continue to change it until it is finelized.

The next step is to Fill out our Buddy Teams Form to begin the process of selecting and choosing a team:

Choosing a Buddy Team is fun and creates more interaction between workers.  You can also recruit local people you know, or anyone else in the world to be on your team, but if you choose to do that you will want to let us know so we can give you more information about what a good team is, as you will be evaluated as a team as to weather or not we hier any of you.

Everything happens very slow with our network, primarily because it is difficult organizing globally.  

Thanks for your interest,

Please Join Our Furute Opporutnties Worker Lists:
Step 4: Invite to make Buddy Team: 

Thanks for filling out the Buddy Form.  It is now your turn to choose your buddy Team.

Here is the link to the buddies form results where you can choose your buddy: 
Simply contact a new recruit on the list and ask them if they want to form a Buddy Team with you.  You both will have to agree to form a buddy team, and more information about what makes a good buddy team is bellow. Here is a draft message you can use for contacting them:

Create a buddy team of 1-2 other people that are on the list.  You can also recuit other people to be in your buddy team, or wait for other people to be recruited if you don't like the current options available.

Choosing the right Buddy team is easy and fun, cause you get to work together.  There are stratigic reasons for why to choose one person over an other.  The most important is pay rate, the lower the better, because we have limited budgets. You have to approve your buddy and team pay rate, and it is best for your team to have the lowest pay rate possible to be more effective with our constrained budgets. Additionally you want to create a team that has a variety of skills, perspectives, and availability, as opposed to all being the same. 

For more information about creating a good buddy team:

After you create your buddy team, then you will be asked to create a joint team application with your buddy(s).  Although you will be evaluated as a team with your application, you will be hired as individuals, so the most important component is supporting your buddy regardless, as you will NOT be penilized for any difficulty your buddy causes.

Let us know if you have any Questions.


[your name]

Unity HR Support Team Signiture

Please Join Our Furute Opporutnties Worker Lists:
Step 5: Scheduling (can happen at the same time as Step 4 for some Recruits)

In addition to the Buddy Team, you can also move forward with Scheduling.

Please let us know when you are generally available to work, and clearly state which time you are refering to.

The most important time to work is durring our pre-scheduled session, but they are difficult because they happen at all times of day and night. Our Unity Calendar has pre-scheduled sessions that you can see at this link:  Here is the link to ALL of the Google Calendars that we have.  Just find your local time and you can see the google calendar in your local time:

For daily scheduling we break up the world into 4 quadrants and each has 2 slots.  The list of Quadrant Schedule Links can be found here for your local time:

Please let me know which Pre-Scheduled sessions you could make, and also which Quadrant Time Slots you would be available for.  

From there we can being to understand when you are Possibly Available and get you on our schedule as BackUP and On-Call, and go from there.

Thanks so much for your interest.

Please Join Our Furute Opporutnties Worker Lists: