Real Time Assistant Support Tutorial

Video Turorial Link

Goal: To support Executive/Admin/Manager/Supervior in real-time session to get their priorities and tasks done, including training and distributing tasks.
Task: Watch the video to learn. Links with more information.
Time: Video is only 5-10m

Updates to systems Priorities:

Focused time. 

Clarify difference of What is Additional Work further overwhelming Jay, and what is helping his work to get done, to reduce overload of responsbility and task. 

Simply scheduling a Work session, 3 hours session for example, allows for me to turn "off" my life around me. Reduce distractions, excuse to push other peopel away, cause I'm working with Zillu.

Helping me stay focused
Watching me/manager and support their work
Making pads, taking notes, Tracking what we are doing.
Create Systems, Processes, Tutorias etc.. 
    Doccumentations to upload vidoes, text, organizing them and ability to present to others for training etc...
Tracking what we are doing, (note taking, except more marking off tasks and work getting done)

Active role of support doccumetatnions etc.. in real-time

Everything that we do will need to be done over and over again - creates doccumentatison to train and show others.

    Help get others recruited

 Just learn and watch what I'm doing - over time you can be trained to do it yourself
 Simple Reminders to start recording etc... Especially in session doing Faciltiation Support

    Assistants to Executives/Managers are automatically in the role of Coordination and Communications - Responsiblities, even though we are working as a team as opposed to on your own, durring these real-time session

    Organizing systems, tutorials, and documents. 
    Volunteer recruitment
        CLN Leadership Council's etc...

Figure out better ways of helping me in real time. 
     When I have a priority how do I get them helping me???  Help me focus.  Joint editing documents. Make videos together. Let them see my screen.  Have other non-priorities that they can help with when able. 

Need to update my own task pad. 

Create different types of sessions:
     Focused team sessions - safe, quite space.
          Work & planning/meeting
     While short term car sessions
          While driving
          While passenger
                 With phone
                 With computer
     While traveling (out of town)
          Focused (as possible)
          Car sessions
          With phone

Create a system where we are creating network to empower people. Unity Network is my network.  Maybe call it Jays Unity Network & LIFE Support. Also create them for other people too, for all workers and partners and the public. 

Priority is the team pads:
     Team Jay & Zillu Pad
     Jay Priorities Pad
     Zillu Pad
     Unity Network Priorities Pad
           Jays Network & LIFE Support
     Make sure to also create a OLD/future priorities pad for each person/group. 

Also to add / consider

More scheduling 
    Full schedule (not just 3 hours)
    Must be login and continual updates when getting work done and working. Start finish, etc.... Tracking
    Help get others recruited
     Helping me stay focused
    Just learn and watch what I'm doing
    Making/documenting systems Pad
        Making Process
    Everything that we do will need to be done over and over again
    Recording and documentation...
    Just document what I'm doing,
    Need training and tutorials and systems and processes on simple documentations of my work. 
    All my work needs to be recorded
    Tutorials and training on systems and process creation
    Organizing systems, tutorials, and documents. 
    Volunteer recruitment
    CLN Leadership Council's etc...