Mini Unity Network video on Problems we are trying to Solve:
Purpose of the Unity Network is to network all peoples and social movements to help solve the greatest problems of the 21st Century.
So what are these Problems and global / regional Crises???
Not going to go over all of them - but lets start with the Main 5:
But it is important to note, that part of the solution is understanding the problems in a way that is clear, not fear based, and allows individuals the power to decide for themselves.
Taste of the breadth of Problems:
Top 5 global crises:
- Economic Destabilization from technological unemployment and wealth stratification. ‘
- Climate Destabilization from Green House Gas emissions and other particulate pollution.
- Destruction & pollution of 70%+ of the terrestiral ecological ecosystems and 30% of the ocean ecosystems, with mass species die-offs in the range of 10,000 extinct species yearly.
- Dysfunctional Governments that are slow and corrupt for the needs of 21st century people.
- Basic access to food, water, health care, education, incomes/jobs, and other life necessities.
Watch the video:
So lets break it down even futher, and narrow this into three essencial categories:
- Failing Politic-Economic Systems at all levels
- Failing Ecological & Natural Systems at all levels
- Individuals and Familes Not Able to Meet Needs everywhere
----------------------------------------------more details--------------------------
Failing Politic-Economic Systems at all levels
- Economic Destabilization from technological unemployment and wealth stratification. ‘
why the 1% own everything… and why they are beginning to control everything
- Dysfunctional Governments that are too slow for the needs of 21st century people.
political gridlock
Mass corruption
Graph of corporate money in US Politics:
Failing Ecological & Natural Systems at all levels
- Climate Destabilization from Green House Gas emissions and other particulate pollution.
Climate Change happens all the time
Climate Destabalizing is the problem (increased storms, increaed drouts, increased storms, colder, and hotter all at once.)
Global Warming - Green House Effect
Global Dimming - Particulate Pollution and "chem trails" etc...
Doesn't matter weather we are talking about 1°, 2° or more, the earth is a paitient with a feaver, and is sick and it doesn't matter who or what is causing it, we just need to fix it.
The Science Doesn't Matter - even if there is a 5% propobility that 1/2 of all species could go exstinct including 75% of all our children and their children because of reduced resource capacity of the earth to support life, is more than enough reason to start doing something about it.
- Destruction and land pollution of 70%+ of the ecological land ecosystems and 30% of the ocean ecosystems, with mass species die-offs in the range of 10,000 extinct species per year.
Only two natural unfragmented terrestrial ecosystems on the planet - Amazon and Congo
90% of large fish are gone. We ate them all!
Mass Consumption and Over-Population - if we continue this trajectory its going to continue.
Where does all this consuption go? - Landfills, Ocean, and Atmosphere, ALL of it!!!!
Individuals and Familes Not Able to Meet Needs everywhere
- Basic access to food, water, health care, education, incomes/jobs, and other life necessities.
Insufficient Access to Basic Life Necessities
Prison and criminal system disporportionally effects the poor and people in need of help.
But everyone is effected.
Less oportunities.
Doesn't matter what socio economic class you are in, you have difficulties meeting your needs. Need to boroww more money, need to get a larger promotion . . . and its harder and harder to do so.