Natural Cycles Calendar Updating Process:
Link to Tutorial Video:
Step 0:
- Moon Cycle Calendar: Unity Network Moon Clock Calendar Link:
- Information about the Moon Clock:
- Note: Because the Unity Network is a Glocal organization, our primary calendar is in Moon Clock Time so that there is a single date/time for ALL meetings. When using the Gregorian Calendar we have to use a multitude of calendars for each timezone, which is completly unessesary when using the Moon Clock, because with the Moon Clock there is a single global time and date.
Step 1:
- Update Moon Month if necessary
Step 2:
- Delete past events/ scheduled meetings
Step 3: Moon Scheduling
- Add in Gregorian times for the natural Cycles of the Month (ONE MONTH AT A TIME)
Step 4: Planetary Scheduling
Step 5: Add to Google Calendar [Going to become a Seperate Process]
- Go to Google Calendar (log in) and Add event
- Add this Text to Event Details:
Call In #'s:
Step 6: Calculate Moon Times
Step 7: 25% moon
Mannual Eighth Moon Time