Tutorial Intro to URA & MOEs:

Video Turorial Linkhttp://youtu.be/Wz_IqXP5fRw

Goal: To give a basic overview of URA & MOEs
Task: Watch the video to learn. Links with more information.
Time: Video is 30-45mins, to read the about pdf could take an additional 30min.

NOTE: This is a over complicated tutorial, and we will be re-doing this into a 3 part tutorial sieres with a Simplified version, an In-depth, and Advanced introduction to the vocabulary and structures for our Networks.  So there are some problems with this tutorial, but for now it will have to do.  Stay tuned...

URA Intro MOE?
        Having a vision and a plan isn't enough, we actually have to enact it within our current societal systems.  Therefore we must have registered legal organizations, and fundraise money to function within the current capitalist monetary globalized system.  Obviously we also will want to help support the creation of new non-momentary and alternative systems, but we must also function within the current one to be transformational. 

Vision, Structure, Strategy Coalition; What is a MOE?

    Our primary strategy for doing this what we call the MOE, or Multi-Organizational-Entity.  Because different types of organizations are confined to specific types of activities and segments of society, in order to engage in full transformation of society, a MOE is necessary or it is impossible to create a comprehensive plan.    It is important that you understand this structural methodology so that when we talk about it you are able to follow along and give good advice, and create good plans, that fit into the existing structure.

The best way to understand a MOE is that it is a individual multi-branch-entity, but with multiple individual legal entities that make it up.  Although we can structure our MOE into different branches and sub-MOEs, for simplicity, the easiest way to think about it is that there is one single MOE, our umbrella name for it is "URA" or Ura.  Ura has 2 primary strategic branches, and 3-4 separate legal organizational entities which we will explain in more detail:

2 Strategic branches:

Unity Network:
    The Unity Network is the public external image of URA.  Because it is the public image, its strategic systems process decisions slightly more on the basis of an executive director to ensure continuity and the integration of a comprehensive whole.  In other words people working within the unity network have to follow certain rules that ensure there is a common public message, theme, and the wholarchy also consistent of a minor higherarchitical component, but the network is still run on a nodular holographic basis.  Unity Network is more than just a MOE.

Everything Else
    To keep the terms to a minimal, we are not going to name the other branch and simply say that any and all other projects, ideas, activities that do not fit directly within the existing framework of the Unity Network are all part of the other branch of URA.  There are some projects that can exist within both the Unity Network and the rest of the un-related projects, which is the essential reason why URA as a comprehensive whole is so important as it is all integrated.  Overall this branch of URA is completely open and run as a nodular wholarchy with no top down control, as all organizations can come and go as they please and have full decision making autonomy.

4-5 Legal Organizations:

URA is made up of 3-4 different legal organizations:

501c3 non-profit: Community LIFE Network

The center of the MOE is the Community LIFE Network Incorporated 501c3 non-profit tax deductible charity, or "CLN" for short.  CLN is an umbrella non-profit and fiscally sponsors a variety of projects and programs, and is adding new ones every year.  Overall the purpose of the CLN is to help solve the problems of the 21st century using non-special interest, or transformative networking skills. The center of the CLN is "LIFE Support" which is all about networking though individual lives and supporting community leaders with their basic life needs and problems so they are better able to focus on helping our local and global communities overcome our crosses.  If community leaders are overwhelmed and can't even deal with their own problems in this crazy world, then how are we ever going to get our society balanced and on track? 

Umbrella Partnership: Umbrella Innovation Partnership (UIP)
http://UIP.wc.tc (website does not work yet)

For all projects and ideas that become hindered within the very confined 501c3 non-profit structure, we have an Umbrella Partnership that functions as a "not-for-profit" with community equity shares controlled by the non-profit itself.   Having a legal entity that is open and has the most flexibility to use fundraised money is essential in a transformative organization.  If someone does not need a tax-deductible write off, it makes more sense to donate to our not-for-profit as they funds are much more flexible in how we can use them.  UIP is all about innovation and supporting peoples projects and ideas regardless of weather or not they need non-profit status as we can still use many ideas to fundraise for supporting the transformation of our society.

Umbrella Political Committee; PAC: GEP Governance Evolution Project

Because many of our common problems and crises have political roots, it is essential to have a legal political committee to coordinate political campaigns and ideas.  Of all the branches this is the most complicated and has the most restriction on using the money and also the most regulations on reporting and processing of all donations.  Yet it is still essential to have a legal way to interact with our current political political system.

Sole Proprietorship: BJC

    As a buffer between individual and their personal or family businesses, we use a type of legal organization called a sole prop.  It is important to have a sole prop to ensure a divide between personal finances and business activities.  BJC is the sole prop of Blas Jacob Cabrera or Jay and functions as a not-for-profit entity for fundraising.  It is used less now that we have the Umbrella partnership.

Individuals: J

    Obviously it also becomes necessary within a social structure to use our own individual identities and legal status to accomplish goals, this means that sometimes it is important to transfer or pay money as an individual to avoid the complications of running money through a complex legal organization.  Hey as long as it is legal and documented, then we have to use every tool in the book to accomplish our goals and achieve solutions to our current crises.  Currently Jay is the only individual who has MOE accounts within his own name, but in the future there could be more.  All fundraising into a personal account, sometimes people specifically want to make a donation direct to an individual, sometimes we call this a tip, and all of these funds would be included as individual income and taxed accordingly.  


 Of course there will eventually be other organizations that are included as we fundraise for different projects that are essential for the transformation of society, but until then, there is no reason to create the legal entity unless it is needed, as there is a lot of work in keeping these entities going including complex taxes.  And that is what URA does.

URA works to keep all of these legal entities and the projects that they support going.  And it isn't easy and takes very detailed coordination, scheduling, timelines, and planning to do so.  URA has the goal of dealing with all the difficult BS boring burocrtic tasks, so that the organizations and projects can focus on the essential work of transforming our society and humanity itself by solving our collective crisis.  So being involved in URA is not all fun and games, and most people involved with the Unity Network or any of its many programs, projects and activities will never even know that URA exists or that it is a MOE.

Strategy Coalition:

Lastly it is important to acknowledge the other projects and activities that do not fit into the strategic criteria of the URA and Unity Network.   Some projects or programs will simply have a strigic methodology that can not function within the URA framework, yet are essential to the transformation of society and should be supported.  So URA and the umbrella MOE that makes up its backbone is one member to a coalition which we call the "Strategy Coalition".  The Strategy Coalition is one of the only places where individuals from distinct and fragmented movements which have very different and sometimes opposing strategies can collaborate together to find ways of ensuring long term interdependence and unity between all of the peoples movements, even when different and opposing strategies prevent direct collaboration between individuals, the movements and or organizations themselves can still support each other.  

URA and the URA Steering Committee, which is the primary URA decision making body have a very important role in establishing and updating protocol, policies and procedures that the entire MOE must follow to function as a single entity.  It also is a primary organizer in establishing and ensuring a functioning Strategy Coalition.  

Lastly URA also takes a significant role in supporting the centerpiece of the entire MOE which is "LIFE Support", and ensure that the programs and that support peoples individual lives.  This includes programs for finding jobs, health, food, etc… basic life necessities.