Simple 1h Summary of Community Elections Simple Completion Processes Pad:
Pad Purpose: To give to most simple overview and fastest processes possible in the point of view of the entire Simple Completion System being done as a single process. The first time you do this process it could take over 1 our, but after you learn it, it should be able to be completed in less than 1 hour.
Tutorial Video: (coming soon . . .)
Process 0: Community Elections Completion Process and Preperation Tutorial (recomended) (0-1h):
- Full Tutorial Link:
- Any Volunteer can start the closure to a community elections using this process, but once one has been started, it must be closed before you can start the next election closure process. The process is not that hard, but with all the inticrite options, we have many details doccumented within the full tutorial, but sometimes the best way to get involved, is to just jump in and get your hands wet, so we have developed this fast and simple tutorial to just hit all the basics of each process for the the easiest possible closure. Typically these would be used for partial day elections, or a daily election cycle, but is also applicable to other frequencies.
- The primary things you need to do or to know to get started on successfully closing an election:
- 1) How to set up a Pad, and make sure that it is linked to the correct location.
- This is very easy. Just follow this link, start creating some pads, and just copy and paste from the templates. Also your going to want link the new pad to the on-going list of completed Community Elections.
- Simple Election Closure Pad Creation Link Sub-Process:
- For the Full Elections Closure Session Pad Initiation Process:
- 2) To get on the primary public outreach and communications chanells
- Join Google Group lists:
- Join Non-google group lists
- Like Facebook group:
- Have a Twitter Account;
- Connect Linked In group:
- Other:
- If you have done 1and2 you will be prepared enough to be able to move on to the next process and get started with the election closure you have created the pad session for. From here you can just learn as you go along, and you may get help as soon as you complete the first Process.
Process 1. Election Outreach and Posting System Initiation Process (5min-.5h)
- Link to Full Process:
- Next you will need to inform the public and the Community Elections active volunteers about the initiation of the election closure. This is pretty easy, but does require some basic social network posting and email skills. This will take about 15 minutes. All the pads and draft messages are on the pad you copied and created before.
- There are two primary steps, each consisting of the same two sub-steps. First you will draft and send a internal message to other community election volunteers. Then you will drafting and send a Public message to the world that the election is closing and they have x amount of time to vote before it closes.
- Both the internal message and the Public Message are done exactly the same way, draft and then send message. Here is the process:
- 1) What to include in the message letting the public know the community election is closing and how to vote before it closes.
- Within the Session Pad that you just created, there is are two template messaging pads, one for asyncronoius sessions, and one for Real-Time meeting. The Ansyncrinious session is faster and easier caues you don't have to deal with meetings. It can be fun to talk and meet with people online, so if you want to take the extra time, you can use the Real-Time messaging, and bellow there is more details on the steps and processes to run a real-time meeting. Its up to you to choose. Of course anyone can initiatiate the real-time meeting later if they want to, it doesn't have to be you. Each Pad includes an internal message, and and external message for the public message. You can use this to get your messages started. You are going to create 1 internal email message, and 1 public message but the public message will be talyored to a variety of formats depending on the size and who your sending it to.
- 2) Sending out the internal Email:
- After you have created the message pad and edited the message with the details for this election, you can go ahead and send the message out on the infinite Community Elections Worker email list. Make sure you are alrady signed up for this list before you send the email, and make sure the email has sent before you move on to the next step.
- 3) Next finelize the message for the public outreach, including the different versions.
- 4) Send the Public message starting with Twitter.
- Just use your own twitter account and tweet the message that you just finelized using the #CommunityElections. Just tell people to vote now.
- This and the email list are the minimum announcments that you have to do.
- 5) Send the Public Message to the Public Infinite Email announcment list.
- Make sure that you have joined this email list.
- 6) Consider doing other outreach and posts to Facebook and Linked in, and possibly to more twitter channells. But the minimum that must be done is email and twitter. The next step would be facebook.
Process 2: Simple Vote Tabulation Process (5min-1h)
- Full Process:
- Tabulating votes is easy but if you tabulated every idea or proposal, it could take a very long time. So you should have an idea of what the top issues that could win, by just doing a quick look at the main voting pages before you even start the process. Then you just need to calculate the top few eligible idea and projects.
- All of the tabulation and vote sums should be documented on a online spreadsheet. We use the same spreadsheets and simply add the date and the new tabulations and take the difference to determin the total votes for the time period used. Link to Spreadsheet:
- You can just choose one level to use, and not use the other levels, the winner goes on to the next level and have more options to vote for it in future elections, or you can have the winner of each level and then have an overall winner for all eligible ideas. If an idea has already won an election, it is not eligible for a lower frequency election.
- There are three levles that we can do simple voting tabulation:
- Level 1 - Pad Voting:
- To count, just look at the list of ideas, and count peoples names that they have added as votes.
- Level 2 - IdeaInformer:
- IdeaInformer counts for you, so the idea with the most votes is already at the top of the list.
- Level 3 - URL Links:
- To count the URL votes, just view the back end list of URL click analytic details.
- There are two other levels that take a little more work, and for some types of elections would be optional.
- Level 4 - Score Voting:
- You can simply click on the score voting form, and see if any more votes have come in on it. If so you simply view the spreadsheet to view the votes.
- Level 5 - Donations: link soon to how to how to log on to see if any donations came in.
- Currently we only have paypal, but eventually we will have more options, so this could get more complicated, but for now, all you have to do is to log onto our paypal accounts, and check to see if donations came in. For small frequency elections, this is not necessary.
Process 3: Election Results Reporting & Next Election Initiation Process (5min-.5h)
- Full Process:
- Report the results and initiating the next election happens at the same time.
- You simply have to edit a new draft message that says who one the election, and then invite everyone to participate in the next election cycle.
- You can use the template messaging pad for Election Results and Next Election Initation, which already has a draft message you can edit. Just add the winner of this election, and then announce the next election and send it off.
- The next election can consist of two possiblities. If this election consistutes the first winner of the current cycle, then there are no other challengers and the next election is an open election that any idea can win. You can take the two runner up ideas and pit those against each other as one option to move forward, but it is better to allow all of the ideas to compete against each other.
- On the other hand, if the next election already has two competing ideas, then you can go ahead and announce the next election cycle and the two ideas (sometimes 3-4 ideas) that are competing against each other for the next election cycle. In this situation, the previous winners all go into a longer frequency election cycle that would be a minimum of a half week, or a full week, as opposed to a minimum of just a day or a few hours.
- Once the messaging is done, you can send out the message on the different platforms. Definitly email and twitter, and also try to send it out on Facebook and Linked in if you can.
- After you send out the message, your done, thats it :)
Real Time Community Elections Simple Communications Processes: (as-needed)
Sub-Process 0: The first step is to just decide what you want to do. There are a few options, a simple chat window, (aleady set up with your pads :), Have a audio conference call, a online hangout, audio skype, or some other online communication system? Also you can just choose to do a simple work session, and just focus on coordinating multiple peopel working on the election closure process. In this context, you would just update the message for the internal email to other volunteers.
- If you don't want to decide yourself, you can do a quick poll for those involved, and ask them what they want to do.
- If your not sure we would recomend a conference call also linked with the chat window in the pad. This give the most options for people to communicate well. Additionally anyone can connect anywhere in the world to for free, to "Free Conference Call HD" with skype. So we will use that service, for our template, but it could be easier for you just sto set up a online hangout or directly skype with a group, its up to you.
- Just make sure that you include the call in process with your messaging which is included in the tempalte message pad.
- Also make sure you make a notes pad, that is linked to the session pad you created earlier.
Sub-Process 1: Community Elections Simple Completion Real-Time communications initation Process (5min-.5h):
- Full Process
- Since you already informed everyone about the real-time call in your notification, you just have to initiate the call itself. When your ready to start your real-time meeting, you just log into the conference call using the moderator code.
- Once your on, you can start the recording by pressing #9???? on your phone.
Sub-Process 2: Community Elections Simple Completion Real-Time Communications Processes: (5min-1h):
- Full Process:
- When everyone is on, follow a minor structure, but it is also ok to just talk informally.
- Here is a simple set up structure
- 1. Choose a note taker who can doccument the disscussion on the pad.
- 2. Allow everyone to introduce themselves
- 3. Let people vote and disscuss ideas
- 4. Then when the disscussion has died down, you can ask everyone who does not want to help with the work of tabulating votes, and doing messaging and social media posts to check out and leave the call. (or they can go into a side room by pressing xx??) Then the people who are left can split up the work to focus on closing the election and launching the next one using social media.
- Again if you did want to just do the work session, and not invite anyone from the public to the real-time meeting, then you should only announce it on the internal volunteer email list. But it is fun engaging the public on disscussing the ideas we are voting on, and this can even lead to the begining of organizing and coordinating idea campaigns which is a lot of fun and the whole point of the elections in the first place. Also this is a good way to recruit volunteers.
- After everything is done, or you just run out of time, make sure that everyone gets a chance to say buy or check out.
Sub Process 3: Community Elections Simple Completion Real-Time Documentation Reporting processes (.25-.5h):
- Full Process:
- Once the real-time meeting is over. You are going to want to stop the recording by pressing #9, or just hainging up.
- Double check to make sure the notes were linked to the session pad that you made at the begining. If you have the time, you can also write a brief summary of the real-time session and include this in the update to the internal email list.
- all done :)