CLN Budget Approval Process for Fiscally Sponsored Projects

(OLD see PDF version)

Step 1:  Budget Priorities

Write out a list of items which you know you need to spend money on, and prioritize them.

Step 2: Budget Format

Format the Budget to CLN template budget and categories as best possible.

Step 3: Approve Budget through your Project Leadership Committee

This can either be at a meeting or it can be done online.  If they only have one perosn in their project, they must work with an other CLN member or officer to approve the budget.

(in the future we may add a step to collaborate with other existing Sponsored Project to help each other)

Step 4: Present Draft Budget Prosal to a CLN Inc. Board Member for Review

The Board member can do a quick review and suggest any changes needed before sending the final proposal to the CLN Inc. Board.  If there is a flag or essencial change that would cause issues with the board, it is better to fix that first.  This step can also involve further amendments at the Project Leadership Committe.

Step 5: Send the Final Budget Proposal to the CLN Inc. Board

Expect a few weeks to a month for CLN Inc. Budget approval.  Essencial budgtary items that need to be purchased before Board approval can be temporarily approved by a Officer.

Step 6: After Board Approval Create Temporal Budgets and Financial Tracking Doccumentaiton

After the approval you are ready to start spending money.  We highly encourge you to create a Temporal Budget using the CLN template, as well as track all your expenditures and other finances using the templates provided so that reporting and syncronization for the umbrella non-profit is fluid and we can keep our non-profit status for everyone. :)