More inforamtion on Choosing and Creating your Buddy Team:

If you are ready to create a buddy team, and feel that you should have gotten the information for choosing your buddy, please email or to get more informaiton. 

Buddy teams will have 2-3 people in them. You can recuit your own team and directly apply as a team as well. If you already have a team of 2-3 people, you can skip directly to the application process which is linked bellow. When asking people to be in your buddy team, you will want to send them a message, and you can use this message template to help you:

Choosing  a Buddy team is easy and fun, cause you get to work together.  There are stratigic reasons for why to  choose one person over an other.  The  most important is pay rate. You  have to approve your buddy and team pay  rate, and it is best for your  team to have the lowest pay rate possible  to get the most work. So the lower the pay rate the better. Additionally  you want to create a team  that has a variety of skills and  availability, as oposed to all being  the same. 

List of Good Traits for Your Buddy:
If your buddy team isn't working out, or you aren't sure about joining with someone, you are not required to create a team with that person, but overall you should always go with sticking in your team, even if it is difficult.  There are VERY few reasons for why you should NOT agree to be a team member with someone.

Aceptable Reasons to NOT choose someone, or to Break Apart your Buddy Team:
Unaceptable Reasons NOT to choose someone or to Break Apart your Buddy Team:
If you have a difficult Buddy Team, instead of breaking it apart, we encourage you to simply create an additional Primary Buddy Team.  You can have a few.

In general, Buddy Teams are not for collaboration and getting work done, instead , buddy teams are for personal support regarding basic involvement with Unity, and HR including scheduling, pay rates, HR Board Proposal, and other Worker Support Tasks.

Purpose of Buddy Teams:
Team Leader / Team Representive & Pay Rates Structure:
If you choose someone with a higher pay rate than yours, you will  be the Team Leader / Representative, if you choose someone who has a lower pay rate fthan  yours, they will be the Team Leader. Also you can change your pay rate accordingly, and you and your buddy will need to agree on your Team Pay rate. This will be the begining process of establishing your pay rate, and after your application is approved, your pay rate will be finalized. You can still always change your pay rate at anytime, you can lower your pay rate without approval from your buddy team, but to increase your pay rate, your buddy team will need to agree to the increase in your Team Pay Rate.  If you decide to change your pay rate it will NOT come into effect until the NEXT pay cycle. For more information on Pay Rate and Equity: 

After you create your buddy team, then you   will be asked to create a joint team application with your buddy(s).    Although you will be evaluated as a team with your application, you  will  be hired as individuals, so the most important component is  supporting  your buddy regardless, as you will NOT be penilized for any  difficulty  your buddy causes.

Example Joint Team Application:

Once You Have Chosen Your Buddy Team, you would work together to create a joint Team Application. Template Instructions:

Make sure to paste your Buddy Team Application Link here: 

Buddy Team FAQ Info:

For Detailed information about Everything Associated with Buddy Teams: