Awen / Truth Symbol Options Priotitization & Disscussion Pad:

Purpose of this Pad:     To allow anyone to input and doccument any suggestion for versions,     options, or alternatives for the Awen / Truth Movement Symbol to be used within the  primary Unity Flag.

Description of Awen / Truth Symbol:
 One of the largest movements in existance today is the Truth Movement.  This Movement umbrellas many other movements including 911 Truth, Whisleblower protections, NSA leeks and Edward Snowden relivations, Wikileaks, Journalistic Rights, and UFO Disclosure.  And that  is just the tip of the iceberg.  The Truth movement and ensuring that our governments are open and transparent is one of the most essencial rights to support all other movements.  Yet the Truth movement currently does not have a unifing symbol to bring all of these seemingly unrelated movements together.
 One possible symbol, and there will be others, is the Ancient Awen Symbol.  As an ancient symbol and thousands of years of interpretation, Awen has lots of meanings and definitions just like all old symbols.  It can be summed up as an artistic and inspirational symbol that allows `Spirit energy in flow is the essence of life'.  WIthout openness and transparency it is very difficult to allow artistic energy to flow through you.  In a more pragmatic sence the symbol chosen here is the Neo-Druid version as an emblem, and has a very specific meaning. Various Neo-Druidic groups and individuals have their own  interpretation of the Awen. The three lines relate to earth, sea and  air; body, mind and spirit; or love, wisdom and truth. It is also said  that the Awen stands for not simply inspiration, but for inspiration of  truth; without Awen one cannot proclaim truth. The three foundations of  Awen are the understanding of truth, the love of truth, and the maintaining of truth. To Repeat:
The Awen emblem can stand for the Inspiration of Truth and without it one cannot proclaim truth.  The 3 foundations are:
1) The Understanding of Truth
2) The Love of Truth
3) The Maintaining of Truth
Link to Wikipedia Article:


Current Primary Option:
Option 1: Awen Symobl (The Neo-Druid symbol of Awen)
Link to image:
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