April 2015 Crowdfunding Plan:

Week 1 (or more if it catches on) - Indiegogo: Unity Network - We start with a quick cause based campaign (no substantial gifts for donations) on Indiegogo, to introduce the Unity Network and our cause to unite people and social movements to help solve our societies current crises.  I think this is a great umbrella to all the other campaigns we do and we can always reference back to it and hopefully have a good video etc… In the end, this is what we are fundraising for no matter what campaign we are talking about, but of course if we raise $100,000’s with this campaign off the bat, we would still do all of the other campaigns, we would just push back the timeline a bit, or move it up, one of the two, haha.  Link to Draft: http://www.gofundme.com/nwwih8 

Week 2 (or more if it catches on) - Indiegogo: Unity Flag - We sell the Flag as part of the Unity cause, but as its own product that might catch on better than just the cause based donations. Draft Crowdfunding Campaign Link: http://www.gofundme.com/pc76m0 

Week 3 (or more if it catches on) - Kickstarter: Bottle Cap Bonsai - Jump right into trying to sell a cute product to fundraise for the broader cause.  This should be perfect for kickstarter, and people love plants and cute things, and by waiting a few weeks, I will have some more time to perfect the video as well as finalizing the plan for dealing with shipping regulations if it catches on big.  [Draft Crowdfunding Campaign Link: http://www.gofundme.com/pdw1fs [Note this is the week of 4/20, the most popular day for Cannabis, so we may want to consider doing Canapas instead of Bottle Cap Bonsai, but only if we can figure out a way to do it well????]

Week 4 (or more if it catches on) - Rally.org: United States People’s Parallel Congress - go back to cause related project, just donations.  This would gear up the political activities, and directly support our core structures. Draft Crowdfunding Campaign Link: https://rally.org/PeoplesCongress


From there we have two additional options going into Month 2

If the United States People’s Parallel Congress doesn’t catch on, we can try to do the Global People’s Parallel General Assembly, and run the campaign on Indiegogo.  This will be applicable globally and be on a bigger platform, and can still explain how we can set up People’s Parallel Congresses and Parliaments at the country levels. Link:http://www.gofundme.com/oo5y34

Lastly, we can launch the Canapas campaign, possibly as an umbrella crowdfunding campaign, or maybe we will find the perfect platform to launch it on as its own individual campaign which would be better.  Either way I don’t think it will go well on kickstarter or indiegogo.  It would be ideal to find a way to get this out before or around 4-20 as that is the most popular time of the year for cannabis related campaigns.  So if we figure this out, I would want to switch it out with Bottle Cap Bonsai and do this instead. [Draft Crowdfunding Campaign Link: http://www.gofundme.com/pdzcio]


If none of the first set works out, from there we have tons of other crowdfunding campiagns to move forward with as necessary.  It seems like we should prioritize campaigns that are applicable for indiegogo or kickstarter.  That would include Rainbow Poker, Brainwave Language, Law By People, Unity Day, and of course our Novel/Book - The Comprehensive Plan.  


As far as the immediate Time Line goes:

Today - Fri March 20th - Finalize Plan

This Weekend beginning of next week - I Finalize first campaign copy and video and get it on indiegogo or kickstarter

Mid/end of next week (Wed/Thur/Fri) - I’ll send you my payment, and give you all the information for the first campaign.  This will give you Thur/Fri and the weekend to prepare to launch the first week.

Week 1: Sun March 29th - Sat April 4th -  Launch of 1st campaign

and we can go from there.