Acelajob Applicatoin Drafting Process
Work opportunity status: ACTIVE
Goal: To draft an online application.
Task: From a Job Opening Link, Create an account, and use a template application to fill out a new online job application Draft.
Time: Could take anywhere from 15-45 minutes depending on how long the application is. There may be multi steps as well if you need to get additioanl inforation.
Video Turorial Link: (comming soon . . .)
Websites & Access Info to complte task:
- 1. Link to the Job Opening and Application System
- 2. Link to a Template Application to copy from
Key Information:
To complete this task you will be given a link for the specific job application to draft. There are a few key pieces of information that you will need to successfully draft the applibcation.
- 1. Link to the Job Opening and Application System
- You may need a log-in and password if the account has already been created
- 2. Link to a Template Application(s) to copy from
- 3. Link to Cover Letters and Resumes
- 4. Contact info of the person your filling out the appliation for, in case you need additional details.
Step 1: Review Info, & Links to templates
- Make sure you have all the information you need to get the task started. Let us know if something is missing.
- Make sure the links to the job application and template application work and that your ready to move forward.
Step 2: Create Log-in
- Most online application require an application account. Create a simple account using a simple password, and write it down.
- If your origional instructions for this application say there is already an account, then all you have to do is log-in
Step 3: Fill out application as best as possible
- 3a: This is the part that takes the most time. You will need to go through the entire application, step by step, and copy and paste information from the template applications.
- This will most likely include sections on basic information, Employement History, Education, and Feferences.
- 3b: Also You will also need to download the template cover letter, and edit it so that it is in the correct context for the specific job being applied to
- 3c: After updating the cover letter, you may need to save as a pdf, and then you can upload it along with the resume to the application
- 3d: Note down any information in the application that you are not able to complete, including additional questionaire, difficult questions, or anything else that should be noted.
Step 3: Email Update, Confirmation and Send Email log-in info
- After you finish the draft application, then send all the informaiton about it to
- This would include an update and confirmation of your work, essencial parts you did not fill out, information you still need, and of cousre the log-in account information you created at the begining.
Step 4: Reporting & Documentation
- Remember to Update your work report with the work you just did, and or send an email to (Also if you are on the PMS then you can update the task status)
Repeat again for next post...
All done :)