2-6 month Planning Vision: http://wctc.titanpad.com/2-6monthPlanning
- 1. Month 1/2
- Simultanious Crowdfudning - Ryan
- Week 1: Unity Network, Week 2: Unity Flag, Week 3: Cute Bottle Cap Bonsai, Week 4: ?????
- Team Jay & Zillu focusong on Recruitment, Worker Coordination / Fundraising Support
- Creating the Crwodfudning Camapgin for Ryan
- Recruitment for more People
- Session Support/ Calendars. . .
- 2. Month 2/3
- Cut Ryan - or if he is successfull, continue to pay him the $500 month
- Team Jay & Zillu
- Increase Social Media Crowdfunding for ouselfes
- Slowily increase Social Media Listing, likes, emails etc... Build our Lists of supports, and organizing (ongoing for years and years - never ending) 100,000 of contacts already +++
- 3. Month 3-6 +
- Launhing / Engadging local communites etc...
- Elections
- Unity Day
- etc...