Metal Currency Network
About MCN
Metal Currency Vault (MCV)

The Metal Currency Network is here for people who want to say that the time is NOW to start using Metal as a currency and not just as an investment and a way to make money.  The key difference is simple.  When you use a currency the value is set and is indefinitely constant.  5 cents is always equal to 5 pennies, and $1 is always equal to 100 pennies.  The opposite is the way we buy and sell pure metals where we sell $1 worth of gold for $1.10, and always have a fee for the exchange of these metals, especially the smaller quantity. When you deposit $10 into the bank, you can withdraw $10, as opposed to if you deposit $10 worth of gold into a vault, you can withdraw $8 worth of gold if your lucky. That is great for investments and collectors items, but for a real actual international currency it simply doesn't make sense. If you want to join me and build the Metal Currency Network (MCN) across the world, then read on and get involved.  The only way it will happen is if each individual person steps up and believes in it, just like we all believe in currency which creates its imaginary value.

It makes sense that for a special piece of gold bullion, weather it is in perfect quality, or is a special year mint, it is a collectors item and be worth more than its face value.  So our goal is not collectors edition minted metal, our goal is simply normal everyday use metal, which may or may not contain collectables, just like when you go to the bank, you could find a very valuable penny in a roll.  The denomination is what is important not the make, condition or the year, as far as the MCN is concerned.  For the collectors and investors networks, they can continue their trading system where they buy low and sell high, but if you are ready to enter the MCN, for any metal you wish to contribute or buy, it will enter into a network and system where it will only be traded at spot value price.  

This is how it works:

We must all realize that even though the spot value price might be so high, not so long ago it was simply metal.  The value is all in the mind, we create it.  So to get metal out of the collectors and investors market, and into the MCN all we need is courages people who are willing to let go of the "perceived" increased value, and just trade it for its spot price and weight.   It doesn't matter who it is who is going to step up and be the courages one, it could be a government, an investor, a brand new bullion buyer.  Anyone can do it for any amount of money or metal.  Businesses can also step up and accept payment of direct metal weight in relation to the product they are selling.  With currency it is the government that steps up and floats the cost of manufacture and processing, and then from then on the price is set and never changes.  We have to understand that the government is the people, our money goes to pay our tax dollars, so weather we wait to see if the government wants to flip the bill, we might as well start paying it ourselves in the meantime since we are going to be paying it anyways if the government did it.  So if your ready to step up and create something for ourselves and future generations, lets do it.  Here's how it works.

Lets say someone bought 1 kg of gold for $20,000 many years ago.  Now it is worth twice that.  But instead of selling it for above spot price, they would simply agree that they don't need to be greedy, and collaborate with a mint which could make many sizes of coins.  They then collectively sell the coins at exact spot price and all the costs of minting the coins and the investment from the original owner are paid back, the only difference is you wouldn't get quit as much money for your gold.  Anyone, even a first time buyer can bring metal into the MCN, they simply buy the metal from a collectors market, and then deposit it into any institution that is part of the MCN.  But wether it is the government, a old investor or a new buyer, someone has to pan up the money to mint the coins and bullion, or pay the current collectors fees to make real metal currency.  It doesn't happen for free.  The key is that it only needs to happen ONCE!!!  After someone stands up and puts up the money to get the coin out of the collectors market and into the MCN, then it can be traded at spot price from then on.

The ideal is that everyone who is involved in the MCN agrees to keep their metal as part of the MCN forever.  Of course everyone can have their collectors metals that they keep as separate from their currency metals that are traded at exact spot price and weight. It might seem crazy now that 100 pieces of one gram gold would be able to be exchanged for a .1 kg piece of gold, but it just makes sense.  Its all mental as to weather we think that  a 1 gram pice of gold should be worth more than 1/100 the piece of a .1 kg gold.  And it simply can't if you are to create a international metal currency.  Again the ideal is that once anyone brings their metal, or buys metal into the MCN, it will stay there forever.  If someone finds a piece of metal within the MCN that is really nice and is a collectors edition and they want to remove it, they should replace it with an other piece of metal of the same size and type so that the total MCN currency doesn't fluctuate.

The ideal is great, but in reality, especially at the beginning, there will be people who will want to capitalize on the generosity and future vision of the people who are building and growing the MCN one person at a time and one pice of metal at a time.  So especially at the beginning there will be safeguards on people and organizations joining the MCN and withdrawing MCN metals from vaults that could be sold on the open market for over spot. This would put all that hard work and generosity to shame.  So there will be many levels to ensure that this will be minimized, but in reality, there will be some manipulation and transfer from MCN metals back into the collectors market for quick profit.  But as time goes on and the MCN grows, it will be harder and harder to find willing buyers to buy or sell different than spot price, and eventually their will be two very clear markets.  Simple bullion metals that are used as international currency, and collectors metals that are collected because of their date, mint, shine, or any other reason that makes their value above the spot value just like with normal currency when some coins are simply worth more.  

Because this process could increase demand on metals for the everyday person, it is possible that spot prices will increase simply dew to the increased demand for the use of the metals as an actual currency instead of a collectors item.