The foundational value the CTC is based on is Transformative Networking.  
As a brief introduction, this can be explained as the non-special interest viewpoint.  The goal is to help us all understand the bigger picture and give tools for stepping back and out of our own special interest and into other view points.
 There will be times when we need to put down the tools we know well, the causes that we have been working on as long as we can remember, and support a greater cause, a greater struggle that can help everyone, every cause.  Then when we go back to our own special interests, we will have that much more power and ability to complete our goals, united, instead of hastily organized.
It is a long journey, but with one step at a time, it can be.  
For now lets just make sure we can keep the space open for organizations to meet and get information out to the entire community downtown on Pacific!
Change ourselves to change the world...
More About the CTC